We Do Green


Posted by Agus Hariyono

Dalam hal atau suasana apapun, agaknya tidak berpengaruh



Posted by Agus Hariyono

Kadang tergesa - gesa, kadang mengacuhkan,
kadang pula membuat orang merasa tersinggung,
padahal hatinya ingin sebuah kesopanan dan kelembutan



Posted by Agus Hariyono

Suka hal - hal penting padahal gak penting
dan selalu dibuat lebih penting lago



Posted by Agus Hariyono

Walaupun seiring dengan kesusahan ini, matipun tak akan terbayang


Posted by Agus Hariyono

Orang yang sangat tergesa - gesa,
tergopoh - gopoh, itulah aku.

Runtuhnya Moral Bangsa

ditulis oleh artnya On Monday, November 23, 2009 4 komentar
Black In News


Autoblackthrough .... NEGARA TIKUS

Hoi hoi Hoi Hoi Hoi Hoi Hoi Hoi


Reff *
Selamat datang negara tikus
Kami suka menggigit kami menggigit
Selamat datang negara tikus
Kami suka Menggigit kami menggigit ....


Ini tikus dari salon
Sukanya berdandan, sukanya bersolek
Biar cantik biar cantik
Ini tikus dari kampung
Sukanya makanan kampung
Sukanya merusak kampung
Biar kampungan biar kampungan.....

Back to Reff *

Reff **
Ini tikus dari hutan
Tempat gelap mengerikan
Banyak luka penuh darah
Sukanya membangkang

Ini tikus dari kota
Makanannya apa saja
Tanpa malu, tanpa dosa
Berbuat suka – suka......

Back to reff*


Back to reff*


Back to reff**

Selamat Datang Negara Tikus
Kami Suka Menggigit kami menggigit
Selamat Datang Negara Tikus
Kami Suka Menggigit kami menggigit....

Selamat Datang Negara Tikus
Kamu Suka digigit kami menggigit....


ditulis oleh artnya On Saturday, November 21, 2009 0 komentar
Black In News


Autoblackthrough .... BLACKOUTDapat kita bayangkan, bagaimana sakitnya hati ini, bagaimana frustasinya hidup ini, ketika mengetahui orang yang kita cintai ternyata sudah ada yang punya. Sudah ada yang memiliki. Sudah ada yang meng-hak-i. Begitulah gambaran dari lagu Goodbye yang kini video klipnya sudah dapat disimak di sejumlah televisi nasional.

Sangat Tragis...
Lagu karya Bronx, yang mampu mengharu biru perasaan itu, merupakan lagu andalan dari album perdana Blackout yang kini telah memasuki kasanah permusikan nasional. Kisah lagu Goodbye memang sangat tragis bagi dunia percintaan. Dan cerita cinta semacam itu sering dialami banyak orang. Khususnya para orang muda yang sedang gandrung dengan jagat asmara.

Nuansa Ketegaran...
Namun tragedi cinta dalam lagu Goodbye, tidak menebar ke-melo-an yang berlebihan. Sebab alunan pop rock yang membalut lirik penuh kepedihan itu, tetap memiliki nuansa ketegaran. Artinya, tragedi percintaannya yang dipaparkan itu bukan diletakkan pada ke-nelangsa-an hati, atau ke-lara-an perjalanan hidup. Melainkan dijadikan sebagai kekayaan batin.

Sangat Kuat...
Terlebih lagi, sang vokalis Blackout, Syaifuddin Zuhri Azis atau lebih akrab disapa Azizi, ketika menyanyikan lagu Goodbye, tetap menonjolkan warna ketegarannya. Sehingga lagu itu dapat memiliki karakter pop rock yang sangat kuat. Ditambah, kata demi kata yang dilantunkan Azizi mendapat penghayatan yang memadai.

Naungan Falcon Music...
Blackout di bawah naungan Falcon Music, digawangi oleh Azizi (vocal), Ega (guitar), dan tiga additional players. yakni Rere (drum), Iwan Xaverius (bass) dan Sastro (keyboard).

Berisi 10 lagu...
Selain lagu Goodbye, album perdana Blackout berisi 10 lagu. Yaitu lagu Yang Kedua, Goodbye, Letoy, Resiko Orang Cantik, Selalu Ada, Cintaku, Satu Alasan, Terjadi Tanpa Cinta, Tak Sanggup Lagi Denganmu, dan Join Kopi, kesemuanya karya Azizi, kecuali lagu Goodbye yang diunggulkan di album ini.

Release Your Song Akalliar - Simetris


ditulis oleh artnya On Saturday, November 21, 2009 0 komentar
Black in News >>>
Masak gak terasa sih?
Hujan badai dan hujan es, tsunami, gempa bumi, mengganasnya lumpur lapindo, keluarnya bola-bola api di lautan, gagal panen, epidemi 30 jenis penyakit baru (exp; flu burung, sapi gila, flu babi, dst), makin mewabahnya penyakit yang disebabkan serangga(exp: demam berdarah, malaria, cikungunya), banjir dan kekeringan, perubahan iklim yang ekstrim, mencairnya es di kutub, permukaan air laut meninggi, abrasi pantai, kesulitan air bersih, jatuhnya perekonomian.

Trus, trus apa hubungannya ama kita - kita (situ ok!!! hahaah) toh kita juga masih sehat walafiat juga kan? Tapi...

Kata Mr. Stephen Hawking, ahli fisika kelas dunia, "Hati - hati..., ancaman perang nuklir sudah lenyap, tapi bakalan ada yang jauh - jauh lebih parah. Kalo perang dunia hanya membunuh ratusan ribu orang tapi pemanasan global bisa membunuh jutaan orang ...."

Sedangkan Mr. Gregroy R dari Universitas ternama di AS, Northwestern, lebih serem lagi nyeplosnya, "Pemanasan Global bisa menyebabkan ledakan gas metana yang besarnya 10.000 kali lipat dari pada ledakan yang ditimbulkan seluruh nuklir di dunia. Juga dapat menyebabkan lautan api dan banjir yang maha besar dan juga menjadi penyebab kepunahan 90% spesies laut dan 75% spesies dara."

Ngebohong kali tuh orang, masa sih?
Mr. Zwally dari NASA, "Es kutub akan lenyap pada akhir musim panas 2012. Konon es kutub berfungsi memantulkan 80% panas matahari yang sampai di bumi. Kalau es menyusut, maka air laut makin hangat, bumi makin panas. Trus.... gas metan terlepas di lautan. Gas itu ternyata sangat banyak dan cukup untuk membunuh semua spesies di dunia"

Hiiii... jadi sereeeemmmm banget kan? Sekarang saja sudah begitu banyak bencana dan masalah terjadi, sungguh tak terbayangkan bila kelak semua es di kutub menghilang? wawwwww serem, ngebayang pelm 2012 ajah....

Web 2.0 (part3)

ditulis oleh artnya On Friday, November 13, 2009 2 komentar


When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We’re proud
of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn’t
have had all these problems over the years, either.
—Senator Trent Lott, December 5, 2002

Black In News..... Autoblackthrough .... BLOGGINGThis statement from a Mississippi senator at the one hundredth birthday of former South Carolina senator Strom Thurmond may sound like benign birthday flattery—if it weren’t for the fact that Thurmond’s 1948 presidential campaign promoted racial segregation. A young ABC News reporter assigned to cover the event concluded that Lott’s comment might imply that he also supported segregation. The reporter thought he had a major news story. But ABC’s senior staff disagreed, deciding to run the story briefly on television at four-thirty in the morning and to publish a short piece about it on its Web site. By the next day, the story was effectively dead in the mainstream press.

But it did not go unnoticed in the “blogosphere,” that massive decentralized group of people who publish online personal journals. Several politically oriented bloggers read the story and began to investigate. They found that Lott had voted against the renewal of the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act; opposed the Martin Luther King holiday; affiliated himself with the Council of Conservative Citizens, classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League; and wrote articles for publications espousing white separatism.

Bloggers filled in details that were missing from the original report, and the story spread rapidly across the Internet. Within a week, thousands
of bloggers had republished it, and many called for Lott’s resignation. Sensing a grassroots groundswell, the mainstream press ran the story again, only this time reporters added the historical details that bloggers had uncovered. The press turned the issue into a full-blown scandal. Lott quickly lost the support of the White House and his Senate colleagues; he resigned as Senate Republican leader on December 20, 2002

Bloggers had arrived: their intense focus on an obscure story forced it to national attention. Mainstream media were no longer the sole conduit through which current events became News.

For many people, particularly youth, blogging is more than a source of political news; it is a mechanism for self-expression, identity formation, and entertainment. According to a recent Pew Internet and American Life survey, about twelve million Americans keep a blog, and fifty-seven million Americans read them. Over half are under the age of thirty, and most view blogging as a creative way to share their experiences with others. The impact of blogging in the political and social spheres has been so sudden and wide reaching that social scientists, marketers, politicians, and many others are struggling to understand how it affects their domain.

Although blogging’s role in modern life is complex, its premise is simple. Blogging software makes Web publishing easy. Once the province of highly technical webmasters, Web publishing is now about as difficult as sending an e-mail. Within ten minutes, anyone with access to a computer can create a blog, publish an article, and call themselves a blogger. One key innovation of these publishing systems is that they allow the reader to talk back. After every article, a “comments” area invites written response. Popular blog articles have become long conversations between readers and the original author.

Over the past several years, blogging has evolved into a distinct literary and media form. Although there is no official body that determines what qualifies as blogging, bloggers generally value personal and authentic language, are willing to listen to and allow criticism in comments, write frequently, and participate in the community of bloggers by writing comments on related blogs. The first blogs took the form of personal diaries. Today, however, businesses, politicians, and nonprofit organizations use blogs for a variety of purposes. Growth has been explosive: fewer than fifty blogs existed in 1999, but now over seventy million populate the Internet.

This chapter explores the ways organizations have used blogs to achieve mission-related objectives and build relationships with bloggers. Bloggers can profoundly affect public perception of a candidate, issue, or organization. It’s vital to establish credibility and connection with the blogging community in order to have a voice in this increasingly important forum.

How Organizations Are Using Blogs

Starting an organizational blog is one of the fastest routes for telling the story of your candidate or cause, demonstrating expertise in your field, and engaging supporters in conversation. They are easy to set up and inexpensive to maintain. For many organizations, blogging may be the ideal gateway to participation in the Web 2.0 movement.

As a point of introduction to blogosphere vernacular, posts is the term used to refer to blog writings. The word is used interchangeably as a noun and verb—for example, “Don’t bother me, I’m working on a blog post” or “I’ll be ready to eat dinner after I post to my blog.” I’ll employ these linguistic conventions throughout this chapter.

Providing Limited Participation in a Story

Mitt Romney’s “Five Brothers” blog lies at the heart of his presidential campaign’s Internet strategy. In shades of the Brady Bunch, Romney’s five sons write about their dad, the issues they face, and life on the campaign trail. Tagg, the eldest at age thirty-seven, loves the Red Sox and has three kids. Craig, the youngest at twenty-six years old, would like to meet Conan O’Brien someday. On the day I visited the blog, Josh, thirty-one, had just posted a photo of himself and his two children visiting a state fair in Iowa. A funnel cake stand was illuminated in the distance. You could almost hear the American flag flapping gently in the wind and the sounds of the carnival rides. Without sounding scripted or “spun,” the blog reinforced Romney’s key campaign message: family values.

From a communications standpoint, the Romney campaign has scored a big hit. The blog medium helped the campaign deliver a message that sounds (and probably is) authentic. At the same time, it’s also a message that has been carefully crafted to contrast Romney against his twice-divorced competitor, Rudolph Giuliani, who no longer speaks with his adult children.

The mainstream media have picked up on this angle in dozens of articles and television spots. They echo the family values sentiment in such statements as this from the Times Online: “The brothers are so handsome and wholesome that they bring to mind the Osmonds,” and this from the Washington Post: “Wholesome does not really begin to describe the five adult children of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who for the past few weeks have been sharing such details on Five Brothers.” If nothing else, the blog serves as a continuous feed of the family values message to the press. But it’s also a hit with supporters. According to rankings from Alexa.com, the blog is the most popular part of Romney’s Web site outside the home page.

From a technical perspective, the Romneys are using blog software to publish content to the Web. It provides the brothers with a simple tool for posting new material every day. The campaign hired a designer to make the blog look good, and the software does the rest.

However, the blog provides the campaign with more than a Web publishing system: it offers a framework for telling a story. Blogs add a date and time stamp to each article and insert the most recent article at the top of the page. This reverse chronological structure creates a serial-like quality which suggests that a new installment is coming soon. The Romneys don’t need to invent new ways to keep supporters interested; the blog automatically provides a known storytelling device.

Before reading a word, experienced blog readers expect the Romneys’ blog to offer an honest, personal, and straightforward account. Organizations that rehash promotional writings better suited for marketing brochures find that blog readers are extremely critical. Readers will berate these as “fake blogs” or “flogs.” Generally, the Romneys’ blog does meet readers’ expectations, although it runs some risk of being perceived as a flog, for unlike most blogs, it limits interactions between authors and readers. Comments are accepted, but controversial ones are left unanswered. The Romneys have responded to a question about campaigning on Sundays as Mormons, but ignored a question asking about the brothers’ willingness to volunteer for the Iraq War However, they don’t delete these questions. The campaign successfully walks the line between marketing and authenticity by leaving challenging comments on the site.

The blog gives the campaign an approachable and personable face while telling a great ongoing story. It keeps supporters engaged while avoiding “off-message” conversations. It may be possible to increase youth engagement by making this interaction richer, but the Romneys manage to make effective use of their blog while staying within the limits of their comfort zone and campaign strategy.

Offering Deep Participation and Social Connection

Amnesty International aims to engage and connect human rights activists around the world. It has 2.2 million members in more than 150 countries. Traditionally, the organization used newsletters and e-mail alerts to communicate with members. Although these media worked, Amnesty felt uncomfortable being the “sole authoritative voice” and wanted to create a more balanced relationship between staff and activists. In contrast to Romney, the organization thrives on community driven conversation and debate. Starting a blog was a natural fit.

The Amnesty blog features five topic areas and engages readers in a lively discussion via comments. Blog posts convey timely news, upcoming Amnesty events, and ways to take action. Although Amnesty continues to offer authoritative analysis, it also invites supporters to create dialogue around that analysis. Amnesty starts the story, and supporters then make it their own.

Amnesty’s blog gives activists a source of inspiration and a space to connect with one another. By playing host, Amnesty is able to take the pulse of activist thought and action. It monitors and participates in these discussions in order to inform future action. Compared with a newsletter or e-mail alert, the blog offers a much richer forum for dialogue, community building, and learning.

One of Amnesty’s key objectives is to encourage offline action, which the blog achieves. On the day I visited, a recent post in the “Student Activism” area called for students to spend some of their summer vacation sending postcards. Another article reported the successes of the previous summer’s postcard-writing campaign, which resulted in the release of five prisoners of conscience from Belarus and Israel. Amnesty’s blog both asks for participation and shows results from past involvement, a method of engagement often called “closing the feedback loop.” The loop begins when a supporter takes action and closes when the organization shows the results of that action.

Organizations often fail to close the loop due to limited time or financial resources. However, it’s one of the most effective methods for retaining and engaging supporters. Young supporters want to know that their efforts have not gone to waste, and the blog offers an inexpensive and quick way to close the loop. Whereas the Romney campaign considers conversation around difficult issues a potential risk, Amnesty thrives on this type of discussion. Dan McQuillan, Amnesty’s interim Internet director, says that the organization is still in the process of exploring social media, but that thus far, use of such technology as blogging has led to richer conversation around human rights issues, generated action, and resulted in access to new audiences.

Transformer 2 Revenge the Fallen [HQ]

ditulis oleh artnya On Thursday, November 12, 2009 0 komentar
Black In News >>> this is my favorite videos

art concept Transformers 2

ditulis oleh artnya On Thursday, November 12, 2009 0 komentar
Black In News >>> Concept Art - Alice Pretender
Film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen telah berhasil memukau seluruh penonton dunia dengan efek yang memukau dan supercanggih. Tapi tahukah Anda, ada ratusan bahkan ribuan gambar yang tidak pernah dipublikasikan ke umum. Salah seorang artis dan animator, Ben Procter menampilkan koleksi gambarnya yang tidak terpakai dan tidak sempat dirilis. Ben Procter selama ini dikenal menggarap beberapa sketsa gambar film Matrix dan Superman Returns.

Beberapa concept art yang menampilkan karakter robot yang tidak dipakai dalam sekuel Transformers seperti FireStorm (Autobots) dan Stealh Ship (Decepticon). Yang menarik, konsep awal untuk wajah The Twins adalah komposisi wajah yang simetris. Namun, karena 1 hal diubah Michael Bay menjadi tidak simetris seperti yang Anda saksikan di film.
Transformers 2 Microwave Robot

Transformers 2 Stealth Ship

Transformers 2 Firestorm Autobot Fighter

Transformers 2 Contructicon Wheelbot

Transformers 2 Character Faces

From Lintas21

Web 2.0 (part2)

ditulis oleh artnya On Wednesday, November 11, 2009 0 komentar

Who Should Read This Blog?

Autoblacktrougt >>> Mobilizing Generation 2.0 describes the intersection of Internet technology, social change, and young people. If you’re curious about any one of these areas, this blog offers a rich set of practical information. And if you’re working with or leading an organization that intersects with all three of these areas, this guide should help you do your work more effectively. Although many others may find it valuable, including for profit companies, the blog is oriented toward the following people:

Nonprofit and Political Leaders If you’re leading a nonprofit organization or running for or holding public office, this book explains what you need to know about young people’s use of the latest Internet technologies.
For a quick overview, read the beginning of each chapter for a succinct description of the technology and how organizations are using it, then turn to the “Strategic Considerations” section for guidance about how to use the technology to fulfill your organization’s mission, recruit new supporters, engage constituents, or win more votes.

Nonprofit and Campaign Staff Members If you’re in the trenches working for a cause or a candidate, this blog gives you the know-how to get started with the latest tools. You might focus on the How It Works and How to Get Started sections in each chapter to begin putting the technology into practice in your organization; read the entire chapter for fresh new ideas.

Those Who Work with Youth The entire blog is invaluable for understanding young people’s social and political lives. If you work with youth, you know that Internet technology is central to their daily routines. Read this blog to understand how these new tools are empowering creativity, social connection, and activism.

Anyone Interested in Big New Ideas This blog offers insight into how people are using the technologies that are driving radical changes in our society, politics, and economy. Over the last 150 years, we’ve moved slowly from a society that values industrial goods to one that primarily values information. And within just the last ten years, technological innovations have begun to shift the means of production to average people. Sitting in our living rooms, we can reach, inform, and educate millions of our peers. Look to the conclusion of each chapter for a summary of the key changes, and to the Big Picture essays and interviews from leading technology visionaries for a view of what’s to come.

How to Read This Blog

This blog is intended to serve as a creativeblog. It introduces you to the various technologies popular among youth and shows how they’re used in practice by nonprofits, political campaigns, and the occasional for-profit.

I’m assuming that you have a set of organizational objectives and are looking for tactics to achieve those objectives. In this case, you may be asking such questions as, “I’ve heard about social networks. I wonder if there’s a way we could use one to achieve our goals?” The structure of the blog works well to answer these types of questions. (Please note, however, that although the division of chapters by technology is helpful for the purposes of the blog, few organizations would seek to use a technology in isolation.) The chapters discuss the following topics:

Blogs are simple Web publishing systems that enable nontechnical people to create Web sites in the format of a personal diary. In Chapter One, we’ll look at how blogs are becoming the primary tool that young people use to frame and share observations about politics, relationships, and the world in general. Over the last several years, blogs have grown into a major alternative source of information, vying with the commercial mass media in terms of their ability to frame current events. In order to become effective in the political space, politicians must understand the role of blogs and engage the blogging community. Nonprofits have discovered that maintaining a blog has numerous benefits, such as involving young supporters, strengthening community ties, and advancing key issues.

Social networking sites allow people to create personal profiles, mingle with friends, and define an identity online. In Chapter Two, we’ll look at how these Web sites have become “third places” similar to coffee shops, bowling alleys, and roller rinks; they are places where young people “hang out.” In the process, they define their identities, form connections with peers and organizations, and learn about and undertake civic action. To understand young lives, you need to understand
social networks. Organizations have been conducting campaigns on these networks, with varying success, to recruit young activists, promote issues, and raise money.

Video - and photo-sharing sites, which we’ll explore in Chapter Three, are Web sites that enable people to publish and share videos and photos easily. The widespread ability to view, create, and share these forms of media has established a vivid new avenue for online conversation. Videos and photos offer a sense of realism and authenticity that was not available in the text-focused World Wide Web of yesteryear. Online video’s unassailable and widely accessible replaying of events has toppled several political careers. At the same time, video and photo sharing has enabled organizations and politicians to engage more deeply with supporters. Mobile phones have become woven into the social fabric of youth life. In Chapter Four, we’ll discuss text messaging—the short messages that are like e-mail for mobile phones. Text messaging has become a primary method of communication among young people. It offers immediacy unrivaled by any other technology—you can send and receive a text message from any place, at any time. Using text messaging, political campaigns and organizations have been able to cost-effectively mobilize and recruit supporters. This chapter also discusses several other features available on most mobile phones.

Wikis are Web sites built through ad hoc collaboration. In Chapter Five, we’ll discuss the ways in which wikis can be used to aggregate knowledge and coordinate efforts. Wikis also exemplify how a decentralized group of people, connected to one another by the Internet, can jointly produce a work as great as, or greater than, one produced by a traditionally structured hierarchical organization. There is more to be gained by putting trust in supporters than by exerting tight managerial control.

Online maps offer much more than driving directions. In Chapter Six, we’ll explore the wide range of possibilities that online mapping offers to politicians and nonprofits. Maps reveal powerful patterns and relationships previously hidden in a sea of data. New online mapping tools are easy to use, inexpensive, and a great way to support advocacy campaigns.

Virtual worlds are three-dimensional representations of reality . . . and fantasy. Although they may seem like games, they are places in which real social lives unfold. People purchase property, build homes, meet one another, conduct business, and generally live their lives in these places. In Chapter Seven, we’ll look at several entrepreneurial organizations that have conducted successful advocacy and fundraising campaigns in virtual worlds. Be forewarned, however, that virtual world
successes are few and far between. Challenges are numerous.

The Conclusion synthesizes the topics, strategies, and trends discussed throughout the blog. It wraps up with a view toward the future. The Big Picture is a series of essays and interviews that run between each chapter. Leading thinkers in the fields of nonprofit organizations, technology, and politics take a step back to look at the big ideas shaping the online world today and tomorrow.

Web 2.0 (part1)

ditulis oleh artnya On Wednesday, November 11, 2009 0 komentar

What Is Web 2.0?

Black In News .... Web 2.0
Autoblacktrougt >>> The tools discussed in each chapter are generally referred to as Web 2.0 technologies.8 The term refers to a group of popular technologies that survived the dot-com bust, so-called 2.0 because they pick up from the previous generation of technologies invented during the last wave of Internet innovation (circa 1995–2001).

If you’ve been keeping up with political, nonprofit, or business news, you’ve probably seen the term attached to just about everything. By now it’s a buzzword that people use when they want to demonstrate that they really know what’s going on with technology. It’s used to describe Web sites, businesses, and (gasp) even books.

Despite its sometimes indiscriminate use, the term Web 2.0 remains a useful one because it describes not only a set of popular Internet technologies but also the phenomenon of a group of people who believe that we are entering a new era. Seeking a more descriptive label for Web 2.0, some people call it the “social web” or “live web,” but regardless of the wording, there is a general sense among technologists, legal scholars, economists, and sociologists that tremendous societal shifts are under way—and that recent Internet technology has a lot to do with it.

For the purposes of this book, I’ll use the term to describe the technologies and software applications that are empowering these changes. Each chapter of the book covers one or more core technologies. I’ll also use Web 2.0 to refer to the broader movement defined by shifts in the ways that technology is developed and used. The following list broadly outlines trends and attributes that characterize the Web 2.0 era.
  1. A massively connected world. Over one billion people have access to the Internet. More than 50 percent of U.S. citizens have broadband access. Most Web 2.0 software applications rely on there being a vast number of people connected to each other via the Internet.
  2. The network effect. One of the practical effects of a massively connected world is that as more people use a software product or service, it becomes more valuable. Some software has been specifically designed to harness the “collective intelligence” of its many users.
  3. Users as cocreators. People are no longer simply readers of online materials; they are also writers and creators. Their contributions enhance the value of the software and services they use.
  4. Decentralization. Despite the fact that people who use the Internet are located all over the globe, when they act together, either intentionally or unintentionally, the combined force of their actions can have a tremendous effect and influence. This same trend is observed within organizations as individuals gain avenues to lend their expertise without need for strict workflow and hierarchical management.
  5. Openness. Many parts of the Internet, such as data and software, are becoming available to people who want to make use of them, at little or no cost. Using nonproprietary standards, it’s easier than ever for organizations to share their wealth.
  6. Remixability. Because so much of the technology is free and open, software developers assemble new software by using bits and pieces of other people’s work. These new creations are typically called mashups.
  7. Emergent. In the past, software consisted of predefined sets of actions, processes, and behaviors. Its designers decided how you would use it. Web 2.0 software offers looser structures and relies on its users, rather than its designers, to come up with ways to use it.
  8. Rich experiences. Web sites are full of video, photos, and vibrant visual environments. They’re coming ever closer to approximating real-life experiences.
  9. The Web as a platform. In earlier years, using software that ran in a Web browser (in other words, any Web site) was a slow and stilted experience, whereas software that ran on your desktop was much smoother and more reliable. This gap is closing as Web sites run more like desktop software, and more software makers are choosing to launch their applications on the Web.

Why Focus on Campaigns?

I use the term campaign throughout this book to refer to any activity that is intended to fulfill an organizational objective. Traditionally, the term is used in the phrase “political campaign,” which specifically refers to an effort by an organization to elect a candidate. Although this book discusses political campaigns, I also use the term more generally as in “a campaign to raise funds for fighting cancer” or a “campaign to stop the seal hunt.”

Typically, an organization will use Internet technology to support some part of a campaign. For example, Rock the Vote sends a text-message reminder to vote on Election Day. It also makes phone calls, organizes street teams, and runs public service announcements on the radio. Text messaging is one part of its broader get out the vote campaign.

I’m assuming that your organization structures its strategy and activity around something approximating my definition of a campaign. You may call them initiatives or programs, but whatever the term, these efforts are the core work of your organization.

Fitsal Video Trick 1

ditulis oleh artnya On Wednesday, November 11, 2009 0 komentar
Trik futsal 1

Black Community

Amnesia Sesaat yang Menyesatkan

ditulis oleh artnya On Wednesday, November 11, 2009 0 komentar
BLACK IN NEWS >> Malam 10 Nopember 2009 tepatnya pukul 20.45 BBWI, seusai bantu mengerjakan tugas adik kelas Wasilatul Aliayah (Sila), salah satu Mahasiswi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah tentang tugas Bank Syari'ah dan Bank Konvensional yang terdiri dari Bank Garansi dan Gadai yang aku muat di note facebook... serta membantu menyelesaikan masalah dari temenku yang bernama Anne Putri Harini (Nne) salah seorang Mahasiswi Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung yang mendapat Beasiswa Full dari Pemerintah Daerah Kepri atas UN yang mendapatkan Rengking 1 tingkat Provinsi, si Anne ini mempunyai masalah yang pelik dengan someone-nya dan curhat dengan saya di facebook chat.

Tugas yang saya buatkan untuk Sila sudah selesai, tapi dia masih ngajak ngobrol tentang berbagai persoalan Bank Syari'ah tadi, dia ingin sekali dapat mengunjungi Bank Syari'ah untuk menanyakan proses dari Bank Garansi Syari'ah, tetapi berhubung tugas kampus yang dia kerjakan harus dikumpulkan 11 Nopember 2009 akhirnya hanya menjadi angan.

Begitu juga dengan Nne, permsalahan dengan someone-nya yang kadang pasang-surut membuat si Nne ini kelimpungan, dia selalu punya teman curhat yaitu Mamannya, tetapi berhubung ini tentang "diputusin" dia tidak berani untuk curhat dengan mamanya, karena takut justru nanti kena omelan. Akhirnya karena saya dianggap teman dekatnya (padahal belum pernah tatap muka atau ketemu langsung, dia percaya karena hubungan organisasi) saya diajaklah curhat untuk membantu menenangkan si Indra (someone Nne, dan teman dekat saya) karena sedang labil.

Secara bersamaan aku chat dengan mereka, sembari aku juga mengerjakan tugas (design) walau terkadang terpotong2 dan gak jelas bentuk rupanya, linglung dan lapar justru menghunusku, aku mencoba untuk menahan, tetapi apa boleh buat, perut sudah kadung minta di isi, lalu aku minta off dengan si Ann dan Sila untuk sejenak keluar cari makan.

Aku putuskan untuk makan di tempat Om, yang kebetulan tak jauh lokasinya dari tempatku. Nah di jalanan tepatnya di Jl. Kemanggisan Raya ujung Fly Over Slipi Plaza, aku di tanya seorang Bapak - bapak yang mengendarai Mobil (seperti kijang innova) untuk menunjukkan arah Pejompongan, secara tergesa - gesa aku menunjukkan arahnya (arah yang salah) "Bapak lurus lewat bawah, di depan Slipi Plaza Bapak ambil kanan mutar kolong lalu lurus sampai mentok kemanggisan ambil kiri kemudian mentok lagi ada pertigaan ambil kanan pertigaan berikutnya ambil kiri lampu merah Batusari lurus saja sampai Bapak melewati Bina Nusantara ketemu lampu merah lurus terus, nah nanti Bapak ketemu gedung Pena (Indo Pos) nanti Bapak tanya lagi setelah sampai situ" lalu si Bapak ini bilang terima kasih dan saya menyambutnya dengan "sama - sama pak, semoga sampai tujuan", lalu Bapak itu pergi dan saya juga langsung beranjak karena perut sudah sangat keroncongan.

Nah tiba - tiba aku kok ada perasaan gak enak dan kalut dengan perkataanku, apa aku tadi salah sebut ya, setelah aku pikir2 beberapa kali bener gak sih aku nyebutin arah jalan... lalu secara instan aku sadar betapa bodohnya aku, betapa bersalahnya aku, kenapa Pejompongan aku tunjukin arah Kebayoran... karena merasa bersalah, sampai di rumah Om justru gak jadi makan, akirnya saya beli Indomie dan makan ditempatku.

Aku berpikir tentang kesalahanku yang menyesatkan orang karena entah aku sok tau jalan (padahal aku sudah tau pejompongan itu sebelah mana) atau memang sedang amnesia sesaat...

Bapak ntah siapa namanya, saya mohon maaf atas kekhilafan yang telah membuat Bapak tersesat.

Dimana Dia?

ditulis oleh artnya On Sunday, November 08, 2009 0 komentar
Black In News .... Meniti Jalanmenepis perasaan kalut
yang terkubur dalam penat
membukit seperti pegunungan es
mencibir kebodohan diriku

wahai seseorang di sana,
tahukah perasaan hati yang bergejolak
dalam dentuman gelombang bertubi
yang membunuh idealismeku

wahai seseorang di sana,
biarkanlah kuhapus cerita lama ini
biarkanlah kusudahi ingatanku ini
dan, kubuang jauh kenangan pahit dan manisnya bersamamu

wahai seseorang di sana,
maka kusudahi semua ingatan ini,
hanya jika aku bisa mendengarkanmu
melihat keberadaanmu yang entah barantah di bumi mana kau berpijak
bukan dari orang - orang yang bercerita tentangmu,

biar mimpi malam yang menghantuiku tak berlanjut
biar nafas segar yang kuhirup tak mengekang dadaku
biar optimisme mengarungi hidup dalam bercita - cita seperti semangat yang dahulu
maka, berceritalah bukan dalam bayang mimpi....
tetapi bercerita dalam sisi nyata
seperti saat engkau memberi surat terakhir
surat yang hanya bisa dibuka saat engkau benar - benar menjadi cerita
cerita tentang dirimu dan cita-citamu, cerita tentang keluarga,
certa teman - teman kita, cerita organanisasi yang menyatukan kita.

3rd floor, 14.35 Monday, November, 02 2009
in my memory and mood that always comes up with distress

Berhenti Merokok

ditulis oleh artnya On Sunday, November 08, 2009 0 komentar
Illustration of smoke
Black In News >> Setiap laki - laki, bahkan perempuan, sangat gandrung dengan sejenis barang yang kadang bisa di bilang haram tapi di istilahkan dengan makruh yaitu rokok...

Satu ketika, aku dengan tidurku yang selalu di rasuki mimpi - mimpi yang terkadang dengan analogika ku tidak mungkin dapat dicerna dengan mudah.... satu contoh; aku memimpipikan seseorang yang sudah lama menghilangkan jejaknya tiba - tiba dalam mimpi justru masih bercanda, saling berinteraksi bahkan ketika interaksinya sangat menyentuh terkadang gerak - gerik kita menjadi spontanitas dan terjadi begitu saja saat tidur, tetapi setelah bangun tidur sama saja kondisinya bahwa mimpi tersebut tetap tidak bertemu dengan seseorang itu.

Tetapi mimpi yang terjadi kali ini merupakan Mimpi yang atraktif, karena pada saat bermimpi, aku seperti membuang sebungkus rokok A-M,Sprn yang sebelum tidur memang aku telah membelinya dan sebagian sudah terhisap pada saat sebelum tidur, kemudian dalam mimpi tersebut aku menginjak - injak sebungkus rokok yang telah ku buang dalam mimpi.... tetapi aku tidak tau persis di mana tempat membuang sebungkus rokok tersebut, karena yang masih tersimpan di ingatan ini hanya hal2 yang penting tersebut.

Keesokan harinya
(setiap orang berhenti merokok karena beberapa alasan exp : Biar Diterima oleh Do'i, Sakit, Nggak punya duit, dll)
aku penasaran dengan mimpi pada saat aku membuang rokok, setelah aku tengok kanan kiri ternyata rokok tersebut sudah tidak ada disamping tidurku. Secara tidak disengaja pada saat ingin mandi, aku melihat sebungkus rokok di depan pintu telah rusak seperti di injak - injak. Aku pikir ini hanya mimpi kecil di malam hari atau bangun tetapi pikiran masih tertidur lalu jalan keluar ruang dan mungkin karena pikiran kesal lalu sebungkus rokok aku injak - injak kemudian dengan secara tidak sadar tidur kembali dan melupakan apakah hal yang aku lakukan adalah mimpi atau nyata.

Di satu sisi, setelah aku mencoba sarapan pagi, terbiasa juga oleh orang - orang bahwa sehabis makan kalau tidak merokok tidak asik.... akhirnya aku membeli sebungkus rokok tetapi aku mencium bau rokok tersebut mual - mual bahkan seperti kejijikan ingin membuang rokok tersebut dan rokok yang aku beli aku simpan siapa tau saat ingin merokok bisa mengingat bahwa sebungkus rokok tersebut adalah rokok terakhir kali aku beli.

Nah, akhirnya aku memutuskan bahwa aku ingin berhenti merokok total dan sudah berjalan 12 hari ini, mudahan ini akan terjadi sepanjang usiaku.

Aku tidak ingin mencoba menyuruh Anda berhenti merokok atau mengarang cerita agar Anda mencoba merasakan seperti apa rokok itu, tetapi terkadang mimpi ataupun ingatan - ingatan yang samar itu adalah sebuah kejadian, baik yang telah ada maupun yang akan terjadi, supaya kita selalu membaca tanda - tanda zaman yang berlangsung begitu sempit ini. Dan mimpi - mimpi tersebut adalah kenyataan yang terkadang membuat kita menjadi lebih baik jika kita mengerti apa maksudnya dan/atau malah sebaliknya.....
, |

Competition 1

ditulis oleh artnya On Sunday, November 08, 2009 0 komentar
Black In News
Direct Futsal Competition    Direct Futsal Competition 
Direct Futsal Competition    Direct Futsal Competition --ASC DADAKAN-- 


ditulis oleh artnya On Sunday, November 08, 2009
Nama Lengkap :
Agus Hariyono
Nama Panggilan
Agus (Anak Gusuran)
    ARI (Anak Rimba Indonesia)
Klaten, 02 Agustus 1983
Single aka Joomblo

Jl. Anggrek Nelly Murni Blok C, Kemanggisan, Palmerah

Jakarta Barat 11480
No Telp/HP
+6221 688 44 082 (ilang) pake m3 aja ya : +6285714597737
Jenis Kelamin
Laki - laki
Nama Ibu
Tidur, Ngopi, Main NFS, Traveling.
Golongan Darah
Pekerjaan Tetap
Ngurus Diri Sendiri
? lagi nyari
Tidak Tetap :
1. Kuli Bangunan
    2. Kuli Nyapu
    3. Kuli Listrik
    4. Kuli Masak
    5. Kuli Design
    6. Jadi Pemateri Pelatihan Leadership
Social Activity
Cita - cita
1. Berguna bagi orang sekeliling
    2. Berguna bagi keluarga
    3. Berguna bagi bangsa dan Negara
    4. Berguna bagi diri sendiri
Ibu, Kakek, Om.
Pendidikan :
1. Taman Kanak - kanak TK Pertiwi Glagah, Jatinom, Klaten
    2. SD Negeri 3 Glagah, Jatinom, Klaten
    3. MTs Negeri Fillial Jatinom Klaten, JATENG
    4. SMK Muhammadiyah 04 Jakarta Barat
    5. AMIK BSI (DO : Telat bayaran)
    6. STMIK Muhammadiyah Jakarta (Gak Masuk2)
1. OSIS/IRM SMK Muh. 04 Bidang Seni, Budaya, Olah Raga
    2. PC IRM Komp. Slipi Jakarta Barat sebagai Sekretaris Umum
    3. PD IRM Jakarta Barat sebagai Ketua Umum
    4. Ketua Organisasi PW IRM DKI Jakarta 2003
    5. Ketua KPSDM PW IRM DKI Jakarta 2005
    6. Ketua Umum PW IRM DKI Jakarta 2007 - 2009
    7. Ketua Politik, Sosial, Budaya dan Olah Raga KNPI Jakarta Barat
    8. Bendahara II KNPI Jakarta Barat
    9. ..... dsb
1. Say War to DRUGS and FREE SEX (Ketua Panitia) Kls 2 SMK
    2. Gema Ramadhan (Ketua Pelaksana) Kls 3 SMK
    3. Gema Milad | Futsal, Paskibra, Volly, Basket (Fundrissing) Alumni
    4. Silaturrahim Remaja Islam Jakarta (Sekretaris) FSRIJ
    5. Silaturahim dan Debat Kandidat Calon Ketum KNPI DKI Jakarta (Ketua) KNPI Jakbar
    6. Muktamar Pemuda Muhammadiyah ke - 13 Samarinda (Software Perhitungan Suara) IT

7. Muktamar Ikatan Remaja Muhammadiyah ke - 15 Medan (Panlih dan Software Perhitungan Suara)

    8. East Asia Religious Leader Forum (Koord. Sekretariat)
    9. Java Jazz Festival "Greeners"
    10. We Do Green in Jakarta Concert "Greeners"
    11. ........ dsb
Pendapatan :
Minimum : Rp. 1.000.000,00 / Bulan
    Maximum : hemmmm tergantung yang digantung
Pengeluaran :
Rata - rata
  1. Makan, minum, hampir Rp. 500.000an / bulan

Blog Action Day October 15 2009

ditulis oleh artnya On Saturday, November 07, 2009 0 komentar
Halo semua,
Black in News, Bumi kita sedang sakit nech.... istilah yang biasa dipake kalau dalam berbagai forum dan event disebut dengan Pemanasan Global alias Global Warming.

Bagaiamana sech sebenernya pemanasan global, apa pengaruhnya buat kita, kenapa orang di dunia maju begitu risau dengannya, ada solusinya nggak ya kira - kira ....!!! atau para Blackinnovationawards punya gagasan untuk membuat suatu yang bermanfaat!!!

Oh ya, coba kita liat dulu video berikut ....

Katak adalah hewan berdarah dingin. Bila katak berada di air yangs sedang dipanaskan, katak tak cepat bergeming begitu mendidih, barulah dia berusaha meloncat, tapi sudah terlanjur matang. Manusia jauh lebih pintar pintar dari katak.

Bumi makin panas, apakah kita masih akan terus diam menunggu sampai semuanya hancur?

AYO, Segera bertindak!!!

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    "Membuat keputusan hanyalah permulaan. Bila seseorang membuat keputusan, sebenarnya ia menyelam ke dalam arus kuat yang akan membawanya ke tempat - tempat yang tak pernah ia mimpikan saat pertama kali membuat keputusan itu"
    ==Paulo Caelho==